Welcome on the Elfe users’ website
Welcome on this website, aiming at being useful for all ELFE users, irrespective of their place of work.
On this website you find helpful information for working with the Etude Longitudinale Francaise depuis l’Enfance (Elfe) cohort study. The objective is to provide you with documentation for understanding the survey, coding to recreate constructed variables, as well as explanations of the data structure, how to request and access data, and Elfe news.
Also, we strongly invite you to share with us the codes of new Elfe variables that you have created, so that it can be used by the scientific community.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This site was created with the financial support of ANR VENIROMOND (Project Reference: ANR -10- BLAN - 1821) and IReSP (Project: SINCelfe).
People who participated in this project: Marieke Heers, Lidia Panico, Laurent Toulemon, Barbara Castillo.
We wish to thank the Elfe study team.